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 John O'Leary

Mold Making, Sculpture and Custom Fabrications

The work of John O'Leary has delighted viewers from film and television, to the showrooms of Las Vegas.  He is a skilled Mold Maker, Parts Caster, Sculptor, and Prop Fabricator.

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Mountain Dew Commercial 2023

As part of the crew at Onyx Forge.  Cast positives/sculpting bucks  from original lifecasts, created cored prosthetic molds of final sculpted pieces along with molding and casting of finger cups for character gloves.

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Repair and Refurbish of Animatronic Lion.

Repair and refurbish of an older lion puppet created by Animal Makers Inc..  The animatronic prop was over 15 years old, and in need of some repair.  Original foam latex skin was crumbling Around the eyes and mouth, original eyes were dull and needed replacing (shown on my featured work page).  This was originally a puppet designed to be manned by a puppeteer, so the internal mechanism needed to be changed to a servo driven animatronic.

created by Animal Makers Inc.

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Thank you for reviewing my online portfolio.  Please don't forget to click the menu icon at the upper right of this page to view my galleries.   Feel free to contact me if you should have any questions.

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